Important Information on Low calorie meal Singapore

When you think of low calorie food you think of food that is tasteless and dull to the hilt. It is hard to imagine such food being tasty, isn’t it? There are always such dishes but after a point in time there is always a chance that you may get bored of them. If you want to eat healthy and also make sure that you can do so for a long time it is preferable that your food is tasty as well. Now, the question is how you achieve the improbable. One way in which you can make your food tasty and yet nutritious is by using less oil to cook it.
Easy meal ideas

Ideally you should be working with meal ideas that don’t take a long time to execute. This will also mean that you don’t have to put in as much effort as you would have to otherwise. Quite often when we are pressed for time we heat up some food that takes less time to execute but is still carrying plenty of unwanted calories. Vegetable steamer is something that you can try in such circumstances. It takes less time to cook and obviously does not use any oil.

Steamed mushrooms

Steamed mushrooms are really tasty and also take a lot less time to cook. You can take a pound of Portobello mushrooms and then slice it into many pieces. After this you can sprinkle some paprika on them. Put this in the steamer for 20 odd minutes and it will be ready. If it takes longer time for them to become tender you might as well do that too. You can eat it along with steamed vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, and peas. You might as well as try sugar snap peas with this since they taste great with mushrooms.


You won’t find a lot of people using eggplant and the simple reason for that is the fact that they do not know what they should be doing with it. However, they are ideal for a quick low-calorie meal. You can start off by dicing them into strips that are half inches thick. You can also put in some garlic or cloves – thinly sliced – or just steam the eggplant itself. However, you need to keep in mind that the sauce that you are serving it with is extremely important. Asian sauces such as garlic sauce, brown sauces, and ones based on red wine go rather well and this is where people living in Singapore have an advantage of sorts.

While choosing the sauce you should ideally look for one with low oil content. You should also heat the sauce before you pour it on the steamed eggplant. You may also throw in some zucchini in the mix. You can also try other freshly-steamed vegetables with eggplant. This includes options such as asparagus, peas, green beans, carrots, and broccoli. In case your steamer has several baskets you can always steam different vegetables in them. You can use the following in order to season them:
garlic powder  
·         thyme
·         rosemary
·         coarse salt
·         pepper
nutritional yeast 
If you are hard pressed for time, you can consider ordering meals online. There are several restaurants and brands specializing in low calorie meal Singapore. Just conduct a quick research online and you will come across several reputable firms engaged in this business.


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